Truth in advertising is a valued principle in brand development and management. Truth in advertising simply means conveying in one’s advertising materials (from print ads to TV and radio commercials to Facebook adverts) only what your company can actually deliver. Your company should also be committed to the corollary: deliver as your advertising materials state.
Here are reasons why observing truth in advertising at all times is a sound practice in your business.
It manages expectations. The role of advertisement is to excite your target market about your company’s offerings. But in no way should this be interpreted as an opportunity to produce undeserved hype. Because in truth, your advertisement should serve as a preview of what they can actually experience following their purchase. You are in essence making a promise to your prospective customer – one that you should be able to live up to. For example, if you advertise a meal for your restaurant as good for a group of six, considerable evaluation should have been made to ensure that it will really be enough for six people, if not six “hungry” people. But while there should be a leeway, the servings should also be not too much that a group of six will feel that they should order the meal for four package next time.
It will keep ‘em coming. Related to the first point, being truthful in your advertising efforts will make sure that they will have an experience that fulfills, if not exceeds their expectation. This almost always guarantees a second purchase, not just because of the product or service satisfaction, but because your corporate brand itself is also being established in their mind as a reliable and trustworthy one. In short, you have now been tagged as “a company that delivers.” It is these kinds of experience that builds a word-of-mouth following about your brand, and word-of-mouth remains the most potent marketing tool for any company (and the most organic and hard to break down, too).
It will keep you from getting sued. Essentially, advertisements are information material about your brand. The information contained therein is supposed to guide customers about their purchase decision. If by releasing such information, your company appears to have misled them, they are afforded by our Constitution the right to seek redress, at the cost of your company’s reputation and legal resources. Again, it’s all about making a promise you can fulfill based on the amount that you asked for, otherwise the other party will be entitled to reclaim their money’s worth. If you are selling gadgets that are marketed as having one year warranty, for instance, check that you actually have a good pool of service personnel and a facility to accept repair and replacement requests.
To know more about launching a successful advertising and marketing campaign for your brand, especially one that is in accordance with the tried and tested principles and the industry’s standards, contact us here at GreyBox Creative. Our team of experts can deliver a full range of solutions including material materials, corporate identity and more, and will expertly guide you through the tricky journey of brand development and management.